Keith Fong

Keith enjoys reading technology news, playing football, and consuming unwholesome amounts of steak. Preferably at the same time.

24 Posts
432 Claps
5 mins
Rejoice! The 2016-17 English Premier League is here!
The wait is over! After an offseason that saw the hiring of 7 new managers and a frenzy of...
User icon with frustration lines emanating from their globe head.
6 mins
5 ways online services manipulate you
We explore common tactics that internet services use to sell you things you might not have chosen otherwise.
5 mins
Is Craig Wright the man behind Bitcoin?
Will the real Satoshi please stand up? That’s the question on everyone’s minds this week after Australian computer scientist and...
2 mins
White House catches up with 21st century tech
Do you have any of the following hardware in your home? A modern desktop phone? Reliable Wi-Fi? A color...

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