Digital freedom

An illustration of a phone showing heavily redacted text on the screen.
13 mins
Global Internet and Social Media Censorship Report, 2020
ExpressVPN examines internet censorship around the world and reports which countries block which social media platforms.
An illustration of the CN Tower, in Google colors.
5 mins
Google’s smart city project: A privacy hot button
The Quayside project in Toronto has courted more controversy than excitement. Is Google upfront about its intentions?
A white coin-shaped circle on a purple background. Within the coin-shaped circle are the three wavy lines of the Libra logo.
5 mins
Facebook’s cryptocurrency has governments scrambling
There are over 2,000 cryptocurrencies, tokens, and blockchain instruments commonly traded on more than 250 platforms around the world. Some of these currencies are...
A profile of a shouting person.
3 mins
Why Facebook is the tool of choice for government manipulation
The Global Disinformation Order, a new study by the Oxford Internet Institute, confirms our worst fears about governments’ use of social media to influence...
Passport with a biometric image of a face.
7 mins
Opt out of a face scan at the airport? Easier said than done.
This post was originally published on September 27, 2019. Air travel is stressful—from finding the best flight prices to lining up for what feels like...
A regular man, except with a devil's tale, walks along with a telephone.
4 mins
Instead of freeing us, the internet is making us conform
The fact that we’re far less likely to engage in deviant behavior if we think we’re being watched isn’t a new discovery. In 2012, a...
Car headlights appear out of a misty dark. But what's this? They have eyes!!
3 mins
Is your car spying on you?
Unlike many other devices, cars are not prefixed with the word smart. Even if they’re connected to the internet—and have the ability to collect...
A Bitcoin and a dollar, synced by two circular arrows.
4 mins
Want to trade crypto? Here are the top 5 exchanges to try your hand
To buy Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, you have multiple options. You can go to a Bitcoin ATM, accept them as payments for your goods...
Mohammed Al-Maskati
6 mins
Interview: Meet the person protecting human rights activists amid mass surveillance
Front Line Defenders’s Mohammed Al-Maskati has spent most of his life fighting for human rights in Bahrain and the Middle East. But in recent...
Numerous Bitcoin logos daisy-chained together.
4 mins
What is a Bitcoin node and who needs one?
The Bitcoin network does not have a central authority that decides which transactions are valid and which are not. There is nobody who issues...

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