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Going dark: New Australian law spurs VPN interest
It’s official: Yesterday we wrote about a new data retention law in Australia that compels ISPs to save user “metadata”...
Why we think the Australian Data Retention Law is a terrible...
This article was originally published on April 13, 2015. Over the past few weeks, Australian Internet users have been troubled...
FBI’s plan to expand hacking power advances despite privacy fears
The Judicial Conference Advisory Committee sanctioned a new rule that would expand the FBI's hacking authority.
Live in Australia? Your data may be snatched from you in...
This post was originally published on March 26, 2015. After several days of debate, the Australian government finally secured a...
Wikimedia Foundation & rights groups sue NSA over mass surveillance
The Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit behind Wikipedia, has announced its intention to file a lawsuit against the NSA.
NSA spying continues
In further NSA spying news, a secret US court has yet again come down in favor of the NSA’s controversial phone snooping program.
The Equation Group, hard drives and the Death Star of malware
Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered a new cyber-espionage toolset that possesses more than a passing resemblance to similar...
Hacktivism and vandalism were the main motivations for DDoS attacks last...
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are growing in size, frequency and complexity, according to the latest Annual Infrastructure...
Is ransomware the greatest highway robber of the 21st century?
The days of a Dick Turpin type of character pulling you over on the side of the road and...
Breaking borders: Canadian spy agency tracks users worldwide
They're friendly; courteous. Love hockey, maple syrup, and poutine. Are unfailingly polite, eh, and while willing to stand up...