Update as of 11:31 GMT / 15:31 GMT+4, October 9, 2020
We have updated our recommended server locations, listed below.
It remains important that you use the latest versions of the ExpressVPN apps for more reliable connectivity.
This page will have the latest advice on staying connected in Azerbaijan, so please continue to check here for the latest advice on getting connected.
How to troubleshoot your connection in Azerbaijan.
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1. Use the latest versions of the ExpressVPN apps
2. Set the protocol in your ExpressVPN app to Automatic
3. Try connecting to these locations
4. Bookmark and keep checking this page
1. Use the latest versions of the ExpressVPN apps
Keeping your app up to date is critical to getting connected. Follow these links to download the newest versions for your operating system:
Update to the latest version of ExpressVPN for Android.
Update to the latest version of ExpressVPN for iOS.
Update to the latest version of ExpressVPN for Linux.
Update to the latest version of ExpressVPN app for Routers.
2. Set the protocol in your ExpressVPN app to Automatic
Follow these steps to change the VPN protocol on your device:
3. Try connecting to these locations
UK - East London
UK - London
Italy - Cosenza
Germany - Frankfurt - 1
Netherlands - Amsterdam
Germany - Nuremberg
Netherlands - The Hague
4. Bookmark and keep checking this page
We will continue to update this page with the latest guidance.
If you need further assistance, please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team.